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For all enquiries concerning the environment in the rohe of Tapuika, including consenting queries, please email

TIA's position on the proposed scheme can be found here.

Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority

Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority is a co-governance partnership made up of iwi representatives from Tapuika Iwi Authority Trust, Te Kapu Ō Waitaha, Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust, Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust, Ngāti Whakaue, and council representatives from the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Toi Moana, Rotorua Lakes Council, Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Tauranga City Council. It is a permanent joint committee of the four councils.

The purpose of Te Maru o Kaituna is the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the environmental, cultural and spiritual health and well-being of the Kaituna River. 


Te Whakahaere Rawa / Resource Management

The Iwi Authority is involved in resource consent applications, protection of waahi tapu sites, water allocation and water quality within te takapu o Tapuika.


Tamatea Training & Workforce

Development Programme

In partnership with Huria Trust Tapuika uri are invited to apply for this exciting 'earn while you learn training opportunity, which will include working on the development of the Rangiuru Business Park Wetlands.  Course starts 26 March 2024. 

Please click here for more information 

Te Wao Nui o Tapuika

Pewhea? Te Wao Nui o Tapuika is a conservation project supported by KEEP, fundamentally for pest control with the goal to restore the relict population of kōkako within Te Takapū o Tapuika. The goal is to create a corridor between Ōtānewainuku and Kaharoa, the areas of which the two populations of kōkako reside in the rohe.

Wai? Te Wao Nui o Tapuika is for uri of Tapuika, and those with an interest in the taiao, to return to their whenua tūpuna to be good kaitiaki for their taonga within the Takapū, with a focus on the kōkako.

He aha? There is a large decrease of the kōkako population within the Takapū, amongst many other native species such as the pekapeka. The loss of such taonga is detrimental to the health of the Takapū as well as the prosperity of the whakapapa of Tapuika.

Te Wao Nui o Tapuika is unique because their practices of kaitiakitanga are specific to Tapuika:

He mauri ora - We aim to restore our whenua and taonga so there is a flourishing, bio-diverse Takapū.

He mana motuhake - We want for uri of Tapuika to be proactive kaitiaki who activate mātauranga tuku iho.

Mō ngā uri whakatupu - That Tapuika uri are continuously practicing, protecting and enhancing all land, water, air, sea and natural taonga within Te Takapū o Tapuika.


Kia ora tātou, Please see our update on the Taiao page for Tapuika Iwi Authority's position and a timeline of events and hui regarding the Taheke 8C Hydro-electric Scheme kaupapa.Read more


Applications are open to Tapuika tribal members 18 years and over currently undertaking fulltime study towards tertiary, vocational or trade training qualifications in Teaching – Māori Medium at aRead more


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He pānui - Pōhiri mō te Kaiwhakahaere Matua

Nau mai, haere mai ki te pōhiri i tō tātou Kaiwhakahaere Matua. Join us in welcoming our General Manager Te Hingatu Marsh in his new role at Tapuika Iwi Authority. Monday 14 October, 10 am, MokoRead more

Timotimo kōrero | Hepetema 2024

BOPRC have adopted Option 2 in the new Navigation Safety Bylaws. This means that designated swimming areas have been introduced, where watercraft must not exceed 5 knots. For more information pleaseRead more

Appointment of Kaiwhakahaere Matua

Ki te whei ao, ki te ao mārama, tīhei wā mauriora! Haere atu he tētēkura, haere mai he tētēkura, hoki mai, ki tō ūkaipō, hei kaiwhakahaere matua mō a tātou Iwi. Tēnā koutou katoa, WeRead more

Tapuika Hapu Trustee Representatives 2024

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Call for Nominations 2024

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Tikanga Wānanga - 27th April @ Makahae Marae

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December Pānui 2023

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Te Wahapū o Waihī - Kaiwhakahaere Internship Supervisor

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September 2023 Pānui - Koanga Edition

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