Ruia taitea, ruia taitea, kia tū ko taikākā anake,
E aku tini e aku rahi. Tēnei te mihi atu ki a tātou.
Anei he pitopito kōrero e pā ana ki tō tātou Awa tupua.
Ko Te Awanui o Tapuika.
What has happened so far:
Taheke 8C applied to the Fast Track Consent process in May 2024, under Schedule 2 (prior to the Act being passed).
Taheke 8C’s application did not meet the criteria for inclusion on the Project List for Fast Track Projects.
Taheke 8C then presented to Te Maru o Kaituna on 15 November 2025, but even at this stage, had still not managed to consult with any of the 5 River Iwi.
TIA met with Taheke 8C’s Project Team on 1 March 2025, where they presented some of the details about their Hydro-electric proposal.
TIA Trustees have reviewed the outcome of the above meeting and has produced a Statement of Position which was sent to Taheke 8C Limited on 14 March 2025.
TIA also tabled this Statement of Position with Te Maru o Kaituna on 14 March 2025 and reminded Te Maru o Kaituna of their duties & responsibilities to our Awa & the other 4 River Iwi.
Ngā Iwi o te Awa tupua – Nicky Douglas (Te Maru Rep. for Te Tāhuhu o Tawakeheimoa) also tabled our combined River Iwi Statement of Position.
Overall, Te Maru o Kaituna responded positively to the concerns raised by both TIA & the 5 River Iwi and I want to thank their Chairman Jo’el Komene & the other members who voiced their strong support of our concerns regarding Taheke 8C’s proposal.
What Next?
TIA will await answers from Taheke 8C regarding the issues raised in our Statement of Position.
TIA has asked for a 5-Iwi & Taheke 8C Marae-based hui to be held at their cost.
The 5 River Iwi have asked Te Maru o Kaituna to commission a review of the potential ecological, cultural and environmental impacts from this type of development.
TIA plans to keep the dialogue going with Taheke 8C to ensure we are up to date with the progress especially regarding their Resource Consent application.
We will keep this page updated as new information comes to hand. Meanwhile if you have any queries, concerns, or even ideas about this please contact me directly to discuss.
Ngā mihi maioha,
Te Hingatū Marsh
Kaiwhakahaere Matua | General Manager
Last updated: 19 March 2025.
Find below the Tapuika Iwi Authority Position Statement regarding the Taheke 8C proposed Hydro-electric Scheme.