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Trustee Elections 2024

Tapuika Iwi Authority and Tapuika Oranga Ake - Hapū Representative Trustees

UPDATE - 18th June 2024

The Tapuika Iwi Authority & Tapuika Oranga Ake announce that there were single nominations for the following hapū:

·         Ngāti Kurī – Pia Callaghan

·         Ngāti Moko – Hori Ahomiro

·         Ngāti Tūheke – Jo’el Komene

As there are single nominations for each of these hapū positions, those who have been nominated are deemed to have been duly elected for a term of 3 years starting 1 July 24 ending on 30 June 2027.

Two nominations were received for the 1 available Ngāti Marukukere hapū seat.

Votes were completed by way of postal ballot, in person and online. The online mode closed on the 7th of June 2024 and both the postal ballot and In-person ballot box voting held at the office closed at 12pm on the 8th of June 2024.

The successful candidate was Terewai KINGI who received 74 votes/ballots.

Vance SKUDDER received 56 votes/ballots.

Of a total vote count of 139: 9 votes were deemed invalid/inadmissable. There were 40 online votes, and ballot votes totalled 99.

On behalf of Tapuika Iwi Authority we would like to congratulate and welcome Terewai Kingi as the newly elected Ngāti Marukukere trustee. Nau mai ki te mura o te ahi. Ki a koe e te tuakana tēnā rawa atu koe mō tō kaha ki te arahi i a mātou i roto i ngā marama kua pahore, i roto hoki i tō tūranga hei tiamana ōtirā ngā tau e whā kua hōmai e koe ki tō tātou Iwi.

Finally we acknowledge Vance for his efforts, time and contribution during his tenure as a board member. We would also like to acknowledge his dedication to the role as Board Chairperson.

Nā mātou iti nei ngā kaitiaki o te poari. Tapuika Iwi Authority


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