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Rangiuru Business Park Plans

Tēnā tatou,

As requested by the whānau at our hui on Sunday 23rd January 2022 at Tia Marae, attached are maps of Rangiuru Business Park plans and what it is likely to look like once finished.

Also, a reminder that we have our Tapuika Whānau Environmental Forum hui on Sunday 13th March 2022 at the TIA office. This hui is for whānau interested in water, whenua, and other taiao matters in the Takapū. Come along for a kōrero and bring with you any take/whakaaro you have about any taiao matters that you think need to be addressed.

Please let us know if you will be coming along so that we can make the appropriate arrangements.
Online Zoom available for those not attending ā-tinana.

If you would like to be added to our Environmental Forum email list, please email

Click below to download the map (PDF)


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