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Important Waiari Updates

Waiāri Water Supply Scheme Launch

It is our pleasure to invite you to the formal opening of the Waiāri Water Supply Scheme.

The Waiāri stream is a special stream and a new water source for Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty that will ensure our water supplies are secure, safe, reliable and able to continue sustained growth for our city.  

The construction of the Waiāri Water Supply Scheme is a once in a generation project for Tauranga City Council – with this opening we mark the conclusion of construction and commissioning of the plant into the water supply network for Tauranga.  

What & where:

  • Waiāri Water treatment plant 

  • 22 March 2023, 10am – 12.30pm

  • 376 Number 1 Road, Te Puke 

Please RSVP by 17 March to

Storm Event Auckland Anniversary Weekend 2023 Panui   

Intake Facility flooding

As you will be well aware, the Te Puke area suffered a significant storm event last weekend.  In fact the water levels were identified as being a 1 in 250 year flood event.

Water levels on the Waiāri Stream reached 13.1m (normally 8.2m) according to level monitoring via the site SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system.

These water levels resulted in the entire parking area being covered in a thick layer of mud and silt, with water and mud entering the pump room and a large number of logs being deposited on the stream banks. There is a lot of cleaning to be done but there was no major damage.

There was extensive damage to the riparian planting along the sides of the stream banks, with significant sediment and logs deposited.  This all came from further up the catchment.

What happens to our water supply when a flooding event like this happens?

The Waiāri Intake facility has been designed to handle flood events and the intake is expected to be operable following a moderate to significant rainfall / flood event.  Overall the Waiāri Intake facility achieved this with minor damage, however as can be seen from the photos, the flood event did cause significant silt / mud deposits in and around the intake facility and damage to riparian planting etc. that will need attention.

How Is the Waiāri looking now?

The stream level went back to normal levels within 24 hours of the peak encountered on the 28/29 January and is remaining steady with the continuing rain.

Next Steps

Clean Up and Riparian Planting and Management

The first step will be a stocktake of damage areas and identifying the pressure points for the stream near the intake facility.  Our landscaping contractor will be assessing the extent of the damage and the likelihood of the existing plants recovering.  They will also provide recommendations on whether we should remove all the silt, or whether the silt is of a quality that will assist the plants to recover.

Tangata whenua representatives are welcome to be involved in silt assessment, clean-up and any other related activities eg replanting.

Annual Ecological Monitoring

The annual monitoring by 4Sight has been rescheduled into March to give the aquatic invertebrate communities, that have been washed off / disturbed, time to settle back and re-establish themselves. This is standard best practice to wait after a flood event for communities to re-establish.

WKAG and iwi representatives are welcome to be part of this monitoring.

Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

Ngā mihi

Peter Bahrs

Manager: Water Services


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